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In coordination with the merging of Tainan City and Tainan County on December 25, 2010 and the upgrading of Tainan City to a city directly under the central government, Tainan County Public Works Department and Tainan City Public Works Department were merged and became Tainan Bureau of Public Work,and set up the Second-level agency Department of Public Works Tainan Bureau of Public Work. In response to the business commissioned to that had returned to government custody and the need to strengthen organizational effectiveness of Public Works Department, with an overall review, the second-level Public Works Department will be under Directorate General of Highways, MOTC after June 1, 2013. In addition, according to the area characteristics and Engineering business, that will need to set up Department of Public Works.

At present, Tainan Bureau of Public Work has the Planning Division, Procurement & Quality Control Division, Building Permit and Inspection Division, Use Management Division, Construction Division, Maintenance Division, Parks Management Division, Secretariat office, Personnel Office, Accounting Office, the Civil Service Ethics Office and the first , second and third construction corps (seven divisions, three corps and four offices), it is the competent agency for public construction in the city such as roads, bridges, parks, street trees and street lights, and management of all the city’s buildings.